How Influencers Can Benefit From Your Influencer Marketing Tool

Remember the early days of Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok? A time when you were enjoying a platform so much, that you just had to get all of your friends on it, too?

You probably nagged them a lot and bombarded them with all of the cool things you could do and the people they could engage with. There could be some resistance and objections, but you kept pressuring them because if your friends weren’t on the social media network with you, then there was basically nothing to do.

Getting an influencer to use your influencer marketing tool feels exactly the same.

Your influencer platform is giving you tremendous value; it’s saving you time and effort, and provides super-accurate information in a timely manner. It could potentially be the best tech investment you ever made.

But only if your influencer partners use it, too.

Your influencers might be skeptical about adopting a new tool. They might be dead set in their ways (no matter how inefficient). They might just not know any better.

Whatever the case, you need to convince them that adopting the influencer tool is the best thing for the both of you.

Fortunately, we’ve put together some talking points to help get your influencer on board and logged in.

1. No more screenshots

Let’s step into an influencer’s shoes for a minute: you have a super busy schedule. You’ve just been creating content for eight hours straight. But you still have to write, plan, and set up for tomorrow’s shoot, edit some videos, engage with fans on social media, and find time to eat and bathe and nap (yourself, and your little ones, most likely).

And now you have to report campaign performance to your brand partner, but doing so requires taking screenshots of individual social media posts and emailing them to your brand rep (who will then complain that the screenshots are a week late).

Kind of a pain, isn’t it?

But if the same influencer connects their profiles to your influencer marketing tool, they no longer need to waste time snapping screenshots. All the information is right there at the touch of a button. You, the brand marketer, can hop into the platform and take a look whenever you want – without needing to get first-party access to the influencer’s social media account.

It’s a huge time saver; one your influencer is sure to appreciate.

2. Prove actual value to sponsors

Influencer-brand partnerships are fueled by value. Sure, all that stuff about chemistry and image and popularity factors into it. But at the end of the day, value is what makes the wheels turn. And if your influencer can’t prove their value, then you can’t justify working with them.

But manual campaign reporting means influencers struggle to provide timely, relevant, and accurate data. The screenshot-based system, as we mentioned before, is notoriously unreliable and prone to errors (not to mention a huge time suck).

Your influencer marketing tool makes it possible to work with real, accurate, and up-to-the minute numbers. And you’re not the only one who benefits; the influencer benefits, too. They can see how their campaign performed over time and adjust their content accordingly.

When influencers have the tools to evaluate and improve their performance, your campaigns are more likely to succeed.

3. Easier brand-influencer communication

Campaign reporting has a way of straining the influencer-brand relationship. You’re irritated at the influencer because they haven’t sent the latest campaign screenshots, and super-busy influencers are annoyed by constant nagging.

Influencer marketing platforms can smooth the relationship by streamlining the flow of information. When an influencer uses a platform like InfluenceKit, they can easily generate pre-formatted campaign reports and share them with their brand rep. The metrics they share are accurate because they’re directly linked to the influencer’s social media accounts.

There’s no guesswork as to how people are engaging. This simplifies objective conversations about campaign performance and content strategy.

4. Secure social media accounts

Influencers sometimes try sidestepping the pain of reporting by giving brand partners direct access to their social media accounts. Or in other cases, frustrated brands request logins from influencers so they can access metrics more easily.

But this is a terrible idea on multiple fronts. Not only are there privacy issues, but there’s also a huge potential risk for misuse, abuse, accidents, and unethical behavior.

If the influencer connects their social media accounts to your influencer marketing platform, these risks are eliminated. Brands never get direct access to the influencer’s accounts, and influencers can share campaign data safely.

5. Get more (and better) sponsorships

They say that “success breeds more success,” but that expression is incomplete. For influencers, it’s actually “measurable success breeds more success.”

Once your influencer is able to provide solid campaign numbers, they’ll be able to share that performance data with their next potential brand partner.

This makes it easier for them to pitch their services to the other brands and negotiate for better rates. It’s verifiable proof that they know how to drive value for their partners. This is a short and long-term benefit for the influencer, and another good reason to encourage them to use an influencer marketing platform.


Your influencer partner is already using a lot of tech, so requesting they adopt yet another platform is no small ask. That’s why it’s important they understand a tool like InfluenceKit benefits them just as much as you. When they help you get accurate reporting, they help themselves too.Your tech solution will save them time, eliminate busywork, and potentially get them more sponsorships down the road.And who can ask for a better pitch than that?

Curious to see what a report looks like?

Our platform does so much of the grunt work for you, it almost feels like cheating 🤫

About the Author

Chris Tuttle

Chris Tuttle is the co-founder of InfluenceKit, and owner of the popular blog One Good Thing. He's personally helped dozens of brands and agencies say "good bye" to their spreadsheets, and restore their sanity. If he's not at is desk he's usually with his twin girl's Ruby & Addie and his dog Minnie. 

Chris Tuttle is the co-founder of InfluenceKit, and owner of the popular blog One Good Thing. He's personally helped dozens of brands and agencies say "good bye" to their spreadsheets, and restore their sanity. If he's not at is desk he's usually with his twin girl's Ruby & Addie and his dog Minnie. 

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